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Unconditional Love
By Daytra Hansel
Over the years, like most of you, I have experienced some very challenging situations. It sometimes appeared as though individuals were trying to undermine everything I wanted to accomplish, and I tried various things to bring about a resolution. However, these resolutions were fleeting until I was able see those individuals as Spiritual beings having a human experience. As a result, I was finally able to look past their actions on a more consistent basis, and sense the God in them. I prayed for them from that perspective and was able to release my own hurt and anger, thus allowing forgiveness to express more fully. Only then did the situations resolve themselves, and the challenges just disappeared. This is how unconditional Love can heal a difficult situation.
Developing the ability to love unconditionally is vital, especially during these turbulent times. One of the magnificent aspects of Spirit is unconditional Love. It is our birthright to express it for ourselves and others. But often our ability to love unconditionally is blocked because of past experiences that caused us to fear, doubt, and reject it. We have forgotten our Spiritual relationship to each other. Our aim is to love unconditionally the God in others as the God in ourselves. That is what Love—unconditional Love—truly is because God is Love. So surrender to your core essence which is the perfect expression of God/Spirit, and realize that everyone else is the same. We are truly One. One in Love, One in God, One in Spirit.
The Practice: Today as you go about your day, practice seeing each individual with the eyes of unconditional Love, as Spiritual beings; especially those with whom you may be having challenges.
“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250