Past Lessons
By Coco Stewart
I recently received a phone call from someone requesting prayer for healing for her ailing husband whose health was in crisis. Healing is the lifting of our vibration, first through the avenue of thought, into the living field of Divine awareness. It is the rising above all circumstances, effects and conditions to the realm of Infinite Possibilities, to the place within our soul where there is no opposition to the healing and revealing of perfection that lives within us.
As I began to articulate the prayer, with my “inner eye” I saw an all-encompassing, powerful, thick gold shield around each and every one of her husband’s red blood cells. I saw this in some detail, over and over again. At this time, the doctors didn’t yet know the specific cause that triggered his health crisis. Yet, I saw it. With all the prayer I have ever done around health and wholeness, this is the first time an energetic image such as this had come into my awareness. I shared my vision with the caller, although I was hesitant for a variety of reasons. Medical testing soon revealed that it was, indeed, her husband’s red blood cells which had triggered his medical crisis. They were able to treat it and he was renewed in vitality, vigor and health for years to come.
Healing occurs through the activation of the principle of Oneness, knowing and believing there is One God, One Body, One Being and One Life. The caller was willing to receive a different thought or idea of Life from a Loving Universe, one that recognizes and acknowledges this Truth.
The Practice:
If you or a loved one are facing a health challenge, today, instead of focusing on the situation or circumstance, shift your focus to catching a deeper awareness of your intrinsic, God-given wholeness. Close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath and imagine the incandescent glow of golden light that is present throughout all Creation, and is inside every atom, cell and organ of your physical body. Picture with your “inner eye” this deeply luminescent, golden Light Divine throughout your body temple, mental body and emotional body, providing protection for your innate, dynamic health of being to express itself vibrantly. Sing, dance and move with this golden glow throughout the day, and let it be a way of life.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250