Past Lessons
Prospering Regardless of Circumstances: You Live an Arranged Life!
By Reverend Dr. Cheryl J. Ward
Arrangements have already been made for you! One of the great spiritual principles we teach is that we live in a friendly Universe that is always providing for us. Our lives are arranged by the Great Organizing Supreme Presence we call God! It is the Grace of God which arranges and provides for our every need, and comfort. Our job is to remain open to allow and receive the goodness that is already ours. The Source of this goodness is inexhaustible, and Its reach incomprehensible. Goodness flows freely, unobstructed by circumstances and conditions. This Principle was proven recently by a student in one of my classes.
One morning the student was awakened by the noise of a tow truck driver repossessing her car. All sorts of emotions flooded her being—shame, guilt, embarrassment! She would not be able to get to work; she would need to make other transportation arrangements, perhaps rent a car. How would she explain this to her boss?
Rather than stew in a pitiful flood of “poor me” emotions, she immediately put into practice what she had been learning. She went into a prayer of gratitude, repeated her affirmations, and recited the Oath of Manifestation. She felt a deep sense of peace as she recognized that God her “Silent Partner” was at that very moment arranging the goodness of her life. She arrived late to work and explained without shame what had happened. Unexpectedly, her Boss gave her $500 to use to rent a car.
Several days later she went to the impound yard to pick up her car. What she found was more unexpected good arranged by the Living Loving God of her being. She was told the impound fees had been waived. When they pointed out her car in the yard, she didn’t recognize it. Her car had been washed and waxed and the three missing hubcaps had been replaced. She drove out with a brand-new vehicle! Her life had been arranged in a magnificent way!
The Practice:
You can put this principle of your life arranged by the Grace of God into practice daily. No matter what circumstances you face, or how dire the situation appears, stay focused on the benevolence of Spirit. Today, declare: I live under the authority of Grace. The Grace of God is arranging at this very moment for my every need and comfort. I am joy-filled. Remain open to the arrangements of the Loving Spirit. Write down all the ways in which you have already benefited from the Grace of God.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250