Past Lessons
Hold Fast to a Vision by Letting Go
By Karen Brailsford
First comes the spark: an idea, a dream, a possibility, a propelling motion, an inkling, a glimpse, a glance, a tease, a hint. Something that wants to gestate, be born, and then announce itself unto the world. Something wants to become tangible after floating in a dream-like state. It is time. But how to make real what has up until this point been elusive? How can one breathe life into the proverbial clay of an idea?
The first step is to do exactly that—to breathe. Deeply, slowly, mindfully, without an agenda, without attachment, simply allowing. Allow your innate understanding of who and whose you are to rise up within you.
And then, a walk. “A closer walk with Thee,” in the words of the timeless hymn. “A walk in remembered radiance,” as Howard Thurman describes it. A walk, a dance, that brings to the surface these recollections: God is all there is. My God and I are one. I am one with all of life. Affirm it now.
Now, you remember your connection, the only connection that truly matters. It is so visceral you can not distinguish where you begin and God ends. Because there is no beginning and no end—only eternity. One breath, one life. One.
The Practice:
From this place dynamic interconnectedness, what do you see? What is the spark igniting? Imagine the vision at eye level in front of you. It has a color and a shape. Perhaps you can see features. Or perhaps there are words floating in space around you. You are almost ready to catch the vision. You reach out to grab it. It congeals, solidifies. Then again, maybe it whispers and floats away. Either way, it is good and very good. You have your marching orders—you are to remain open. Allow and create with your Inner Knower and Power.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250