Week 1 Lessons
By Kathleen McNamara
Healing is the revelation of the true nature of God, its wholeness and perfection, and affirmative prayer is a healing practice because it anchors the awareness of God’s presence in and as us, as well as the fact that our circumstances cannot, and do not, define who we are.
Over the past few years it has been my great blessing to be invited to be Godmother to the children of several friends. It is a privilege I take quite seriously and I have been richly blessed by these relationships, both with the children and the parents. As I understand the role of Godparent, I consider unconditional love and prayer to be two of the essential aspects of the relationship.
As a student and practitioner of prayer for many years, I have learned that it is not what we pray for, but where we pray from, that really charges the prayer and sets the demonstration in motion. Every day there is a new opportunity for me to practice this awareness as each of my Godchildren and their families move through their day-to-day activities of their precious lives.
Sometimes when the parents of my Godchildren would call me with challenges and concerns about their children, I found myself getting caught up in their stories and my judgments around them. But then I became aware that I was forgetting the Truth that these children are, first and foremost, a child of God, and that the principle of right action and all-things-possible consciousness is always working in their lives. What a relief it is to remember to remember!
So I began the practice of pausing before answering those phone calls, taking a moment to center myself and pray in the awareness that of my own self I do nothing, and that it is the presence of God through me that does all things. This adjustment in consciousness allows me to listen with the “inner ear,” that space of answers and solutions, and to become more available to Divine Guidance and Infinite Wisdom. The practice of affirmative prayer heals and lifts my consciousness every day.
The Practice:
Ponder a situation or condition you want to heal today, then center yourself and say this affirmative prayer: “I trust that of my own self I do nothing. I free myself from any sense of fear, lack, worry or doubt, and relax into the awareness that with God as my Source, all things are possible.” Repeat this practice throughout your day.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250