Past Lessons
Love as Discovery
By Ron Blair
Love is an act of trusting. For the number of years I’ve been on the planet, I’ve realized that I could never really tell anyone what love is.
Love, I believe, is the quality and nature of the Infinite, which can’t be known, only experienced. This has allowed me to release my judgments of what I think love is or isn’t. When experiencing love, I find it necessary to trust beyond perception and be willing to go beyond my comfort zone. When opting to follow the dictates of what I think love is, I become disenchanted with the idea of love and begin making up stories about it that aren’t true. But when I keep my mind stayed upon it, I realize there is a Divine Intelligence that has my highest interests at hand which creates the opportunity to experience authentic love.
Love is the essence out which I am made. It is something I can’t fall in or out of—I can only say yes or no to it and then experience the effects of my decision. The part I must now play in the rest of my human experience is to trust love and take no thought nor have any judgment about what it is supposed to look or feel like.
The Practice:
Become aware of any blocks you may have to love which have been put in place beneath false ideas and perceptions about love. For example: love hurts. Does love itself hurt, or is it your perception of love that is hurting you? Write down 5 thoughts that you have about love and take a moment to ask yourself, “Is this true?” Journal anything that comes up for you or that illuminates your perception.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250