Past Lessons
Healing Through Forgiveness
By Rev. Keith Horwitz
In the ancient spiritual medicine of Ayurveda, the Vedic practitioner observes the body’s functions and follows the inspired system to optimize vitality. Special attention is given to the digestive system making sure that nutrients are being absorbed. In addition to the physical, indigestion affects the emotional and mental bodies as well. Digestive disruption alerts the practitioner to the course of action in removing blocks and where to cultivate wellness.
One the most beautiful healings I experienced began with an observance of some emotional indigestion. Signs of emotional indigestion showed up as feeling excluded, unloved and having resentments and jealousies. With the practice of self-reflection, I noticed in others what appeared to be deep, reverent and meaningful relationships that seemed to be eluding me in my life. Working with a spiritual practitioner, I set the intention for benevolently pure, authentic and meaningful relationships.
As I sat in meditation, I saw a movie in my mind’s eye of a day when I was in fifth grade. The scene was a suppressed memory of my hatred towards a bully that had tormented me. As I watched the movie of the day I chose to hate, I felt God’s grace as an omniscient voice said, “What would you like to do about this?” My sincere response was to invite true forgiveness. The next day I was in a bookstore when an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in twenty years called out my name. She mentioned what a coincidence our encounter was, because she had been trying to find my contact information for an upcoming elementary school twenty-five year reunion.
While attending the reunion, I saw my childhood bully. With a with a genuine feeling of kindness we met, and I experienced the sacredness of answered prayer.
The Practice
Take time today to sit in a forgiveness meditation for ten minutes. As you settle into a calm space, invite the presence of God’s peace and gratitude to fill your being. Then reflect on one area that requires forgiveness in your life. Without judgment or editing, bring the situation to mind and let it be. Next simply evoke the energy of forgiveness and feel it envelope you and the situation. Sit for several more minutes and write any inspirations that come forward. Finish with a statement of gratitude.
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250