Past Lessons
By Rev. Victoria Thomas
Healing is the unfoldment in time of what already is in Eternity. We have been and always will be Whole. Our Real essence is beyond time, beyond the emotional, physical and mental bodies in an infinite field of organizing Intelligence, Love and Wholeness. Wholeness always seeks to demonstrate in time, and this can display as instantaneous healings or slow healings, depending upon our perceptions, senses, beliefs and unconscious agreements. This is what quantum physics calls The Observer Effect. In order to “see” the situation correctly, a person must step out of time, opinion and perception. That “person” is you and me. In fact, this is what the whole world is asking you to do: “Could you please see me correctly without your eyeballs, opinions, historical perspectives and filters?”
This internal practice happens outside of time yet its effects shift the space-time continuum, and then we call it a miracle. Once I fell and felt the little bone in my wrist snap. I had never broken my wrist before and it hurt. Before the first breath, I saw two paths. One was tears, the other was a choice to “see.” When my son and partner approached, I mumbled the code word to them to see it right and so we all did. There was pain and that caused doubt, but we kept the intention to keep stepping out of time and witness the wrist from Eternity, grateful that the whole event reminded each of us that Wholeness already is. When the doctor held up the x-ray he said, “Well, it looks like you broke your wrist once, but it’s all healed now.”
The Practice
The whole world is asking for its innate Wholeness to be seen and called forth. Today, when you use your eyes or ears, silently speak to all the people and objects you perceive and say, “Thank you, I love you.”
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“Self-Awareness Without Self-Expression Leads To Frustration.”
Dr. Michael Beckwith
2017 Agape International Spiritual Center | 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, California 90230 | (310) 348-1250